HSE campaign & marketing
Internal Voucher Management Tool
This tool is an internal voucher management system designed for HSE's campaign and marketing managers. It allows users to easily create and manage both percentage-based and value-based vouchers. The tool was developed over three iterations.
HSE campaign & marketing
Internal Voucher Management Tool
This tool is an internal voucher management system designed for HSE's campaign and marketing managers. It allows users to easily create and manage both percentage-based and value-based vouchers. The tool was developed over three iterations.
HSE campaign & marketing
Internal Voucher Management Tool
This tool is an internal voucher management system designed for HSE's campaign and marketing managers. It allows users to easily create and manage both percentage-based and value-based vouchers. The tool was developed over three iterations.

User research
User experience strategy
Interaction design
User interface
Design system
User test

User research
User experience strategy
Interaction design
User interface
Design system
User test

User research
User experience strategy
Interaction design
User interface
Design system
User test
Instinctive voucher creation
Users can intuitively create vouchers through a straightforward process. They have the flexibility to customize voucher parameters to align with their marketing goals.
Instinctive voucher creation
Users can intuitively create vouchers through a straightforward process. They have the flexibility to customize voucher parameters to align with their marketing goals.
Instinctive voucher creation
Users can intuitively create vouchers through a straightforward process. They have the flexibility to customize voucher parameters to align with their marketing goals.
Percentage voucher
For campaign and marketing managers, the inability to create or manage vouchers hinder HSE's revenue potential. Providing managers with a tool to set parameters and generate vouchers could boost company revenue. In the first iteration, users are limited to creating percentage vouchers ranging from 1% to 20%.
Percentage voucher
For campaign and marketing managers, the inability to create or manage vouchers hinder HSE's revenue potential. Providing managers with a tool to set parameters and generate vouchers could boost company revenue. In the first iteration, users are limited to creating percentage vouchers ranging from 1% to 20%.
Percentage voucher
For campaign and marketing managers, the inability to create or manage vouchers hinder HSE's revenue potential. Providing managers with a tool to set parameters and generate vouchers could boost company revenue. In the first iteration, users are limited to creating percentage vouchers ranging from 1% to 20%.
Country selection
Country selection
Germany / Austria
Voucher code entry
Voucher code entry
Voucher percentage specification
Voucher percentage specification
min. 1% - max. 20%
Minimum order value definition
Minimum order value definition
min. 25€
Voucher validity period specification
Voucher validity period specification
Start date • Start time - End date • End time
Voucher creation in back office
Voucher creation in back office
Waiting Period: 10 seconds to 2 hours
Voucher accepted by back office?
Voucher accepted by back office?
Voucher created
Voucher created
Voucher rejected
Voucher rejected
Rejection reason check
Rejection reason check

Redemption restriction
Adding a restriction feature empowers managers to customize vouchers for specific categories, brands, or products, enhancing campaign alignment and performance analysis. Following developer discussions, a fact-finder-search tool is integrated, enabling users to input keywords for quick restriction setup across categories, brands, and products.
Redemption restriction
Adding a restriction feature empowers managers to customize vouchers for specific categories, brands, or products, enhancing campaign alignment and performance analysis. Following developer discussions, a fact-finder-search tool is integrated, enabling users to input keywords for quick restriction setup across categories, brands, and products.
Redemption restriction
Adding a restriction feature empowers managers to customize vouchers for specific categories, brands, or products, enhancing campaign alignment and performance analysis. Following developer discussions, a fact-finder-search tool is integrated, enabling users to input keywords for quick restriction setup across categories, brands, and products.
Value voucher
Value vouchers provide managers with mroe flexibility to create tailored vouchers for each business case, potentially increasing revenue. This allows managers to better compare performance between different vouchers. In this iteration, additional restrictions are available, such as order channel and customer type.
Value voucher
Value vouchers provide managers with mroe flexibility to create tailored vouchers for each business case, potentially increasing revenue. This allows managers to better compare performance between different vouchers. In this iteration, additional restrictions are available, such as order channel and customer type.
Value voucher
Value vouchers provide managers with mroe flexibility to create tailored vouchers for each business case, potentially increasing revenue. This allows managers to better compare performance between different vouchers. In this iteration, additional restrictions are available, such as order channel and customer type.
Flow variation 1
Click the 'New Voucher' button on the voucher list page → Select voucher type in the pop-up → Navigate to various creation pages
Flow variation 1
Click the 'New Voucher' button on the voucher list page → Select voucher type in the pop-up → Navigate to various creation pages
Flow variation 1
Click the 'New Voucher' button on the voucher list page → Select voucher type in the pop-up → Navigate to various creation pages

Flow variation 2
Click the "New Voucher" button on the voucher list page → Navigate to the creation page and select the voucher type → Different input fields will be displayed according to the selected voucher type
Flow variation 2
Click the "New Voucher" button on the voucher list page → Navigate to the creation page and select the voucher type → Different input fields will be displayed according to the selected voucher type
Flow variation 2
Click the "New Voucher" button on the voucher list page → Navigate to the creation page and select the voucher type → Different input fields will be displayed according to the selected voucher type
Improve flow variation 2
Variation 2 streamlines the process with fewer steps, improving UX. Bringing input fields for percentage and value vouchers together on one page also simplifies backend development. However, the decision regarding prioritizing percentage or value vouchers as the default option remained. Feedback was gathered from managers to resolve this question.
Improve flow variation 2
Variation 2 streamlines the process with fewer steps, improving UX. Bringing input fields for percentage and value vouchers together on one page also simplifies backend development. However, the decision regarding prioritizing percentage or value vouchers as the default option remained. Feedback was gathered from managers to resolve this question.
Improve flow variation 2
Variation 2 streamlines the process with fewer steps, improving UX. Bringing input fields for percentage and value vouchers together on one page also simplifies backend development. However, the decision regarding prioritizing percentage or value vouchers as the default option remained. Feedback was gathered from managers to resolve this question.
"We intend to prioritize percentage vouchers as the default state since they are used more frequently. However, for redemption restrictions such as order channel, country or customer type, we prefer not to have a default state. We would like the flexibility to choose these restrictions ourselves."
"We intend to prioritize percentage vouchers as the default state since they are used more frequently. However, for redemption restrictions such as order channel, country or customer type, we prefer not to have a default state. We would like the flexibility to choose these restrictions ourselves."
Campaign and marketing managers